david wrote:
> Alan Gresley wrote:
>> Hello Erik,
>> This is still hacking HTML for IE7 or lower due to lack of support for 
>> CSS2.1. My CSS and hacks are *centralized* as oppose to being 
>> *decentralized* in the HTML. They can be removed in a flash.
> All your conditional comment (in the HTML) needs to contain is a style 
> link pulling in whatever stylesheet you want to feed IE. Then your CSS 
> is not in the HTML, just the stylesheet an IE browser pulls in when it 
> processes your conditional comment.

This is what I do anyway by this.

@import test-ie; /* For IE/Win */

All other browsers (non IE7 or lower) will skip that import since it is 

All comments <!-- --> are downloaded by every browser. Even if the code 
is a server side template, each and every page visited by a browser has 
to download such possible code.

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ref="site.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="sfhover.js"></script>

Though with my CSS file with IE @import, all browser have the CSS 
already cached so is only downloaded once. If I wrong in this, please 
point out my error.

Alan http://css-class.com/

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