G.Sørtun wrote:
> David Laakso wrote:
>> Dawn will arrive soon enough.
> Tell me about it...
>> In the meantime, your comments and suggestions -- thus far -- are 
>> always welcome.
>> <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/dl/index.php>
> I would remove all...
> border : 1px solid #ffcc66;
> ...and let image and numbers stand on their own.
> The max-width of  #content and its elements don't seem to add up, 
> making the large #port image look "compressed" even on the widest 
> browser-windows. Better adjust the max-width on #content so browsers 
> don't reduce the image's size at all widths and makes it look 
> distorted on wide windows.
> The rest looks OK at my end.
> regards
>    Georg

Thank you, Georg.


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