Don Spark wrote:
> Thanks all,
> Alan Gresley<> wrote:
>> Don, I think this may fix your layout but be warned, adding hasLayout may
>> cause other issues.
>> *+html #content {height:1%;} /* fix for IE7 */
>> * html #content {height:1%;} /* fix for IE6- */
> This fix did not change solved the positioning problem between the
> sidebar area and the content area in IE7 (or IE5-6 but those not my
> high priority).
> This fix solve one problem putting #content where it belongs in IE5-6.
> Previously, it was stretched to the viewport.
> (using because I am on a MAC)
> Wow Alan. Sounds like you are writing a good CSS book. Any suggestions
> to modifying my approach here that will have fewer issues? In it's
> present state, I am just working to establish an optimum CSS layout
> for a blog/cms with a static sidebar and a fluid body, header, footer

Hello Don,

Yes, if you want to support IE6 and IE7 then maybe modify your markup. 
In my testing IE6 is really broken and IE7 is a little bit better. This 
is partially because IE6 is in quirks mode due to your XML prolog. Also 
you have the double float margin bug [1] in a few places.

Firstly I had create a test case to understand the bug you demo'd. 
Secondly I had to provide one fix for the bug. I have now been able to 
now used your code and some IE hackery.


The fix is another IE7- bug [2] [3 exp:5b]. You could say it was the 
last life line you had since your code is not IE7- friendly.

Please note that I have removed all resets on elements. Are they really 
needed? This best road to learn CSS is to use less CSS to begin with.

BTW, IE7 and IE6 now shows the yellow background of div#content around 
the content area and not just a small horizontal strip at the top. This 
is because any fix for div#content for the margin-left to work requires 
the box to have layout in some form. This causes div#content in IE7- to 
now contain all floats within. You have this basic markup.

<div id#container>
   <div id#primary> side text </div>
   <div id#content> content </div>

If this was.

<div id#primary> side text </div>
<div id#container>
   <div id#content> content </div>

It would be a much more simpler approach than making IE7- bugged out.

1. <>
2. <>
3. <>


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