Luc wrote:
>  Hello list,      
>  Problem page:
>  Css embedded.
>  Desired result:
>  i'm looking to keep the big image on hover to be centred inside the
>  gallery when resizing the viewport to a smaller viewport.
>  Problems i'm encountering: image is distorted and not centred.
>  The #thumbs.bigpix class to have the first image always displayed
>  also doesn't kick in.
> The gallery styles are at the end of the css.
> TIA!!


I am not sure I can help.

What prevents the large image from sliding all the way across, and 
beneath, all the thumbs is that you forgot to add left: 0; in #thumbs 
a:hover img {...}.

The image distortion and maintaining proportionality of the images as 
the window size decreases is yet another matter. Easy to do if the image 
dimension is not hard-coded. However, I did not find a way -- perhaps 
someone else will --to do this and still maintain the image 
functionality "on-hover."

If you can change the mark-up, the possibility of a different -- yet 
functional -- image gallery is possible. Set a fixed width  and height 
for the parent block and the large images. And move that block from the 
center column, to beneath all 3 colums. I only checked this quickly in 
FF. Seems to hold in a 640 window. You will need to adjust the position 
of this paragraph:

<p>Para ampliar as fotos, passe o mouse sobre as miniaturas.</p>

Please see:

As ever,

Salma Hayek

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