I built my first website whilst subscribed to this list (MEP of  
Europe! It helpded launch a post-grad career after very small salaries  
in print ). That was only three years ago and I now have a healthy  
career as a designer, but mostly for web. It seems that for career's  
sake that I am at the mercy of working on Drupal sites (they're made  
like DW would make a template and then I have to play with the CSS  
with very little interaction with the HTML created (Not so much like  
DW)). I've not yet worked from a template, only framework. I have not  
and don't intend to make templates but I do find myself bewildered by  
the CSS markup they/drupal create. I can dig-in, spend hours trying to  
find the right class/ID and maybe get what I want, however, It's just  
tough because I am sure there must be some kind of logic to what  
'standard' CSS and tags and I don't have a clue!

I'd love to keep it real, even though I use includes and a fair bit of  
javascript, but I can't. Is the list anti-Drupal? Will you still help  
if there are twenty CSS files attached and crazy markup?


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