Sarah Atkinson wrote:
> I have been working on this site for almost a year and today it when live
> ......YAY
> Check out my nice css people on the products page (rollover and click on
> them)


All in all I think the site "looks" good. It may be good idea to spend 
some time doing further testing and fine-tuning.

Some things you might look tnto:

-- validation of all pages
-- is the space above and below the top dotted border intentional?
-- slow initial load/ slow page to page load
-- define a background-color-- not all users default to white
-- check all pages with font-scaling in all browsers
::  home page content passes under image
::  all pages -- footer right/float drop
::  contact page-- stuff in right block walks out the bottom of it
::  too early breaking of top nav?
--  IE/8 contact page broken
-- IE/8 footer appears to not be cleared on all pages
-- Check IE 6/7 for any or all above


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