On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Patrick Evans
<patrick.ev...@adjilitygroup.com> wrote:
> Nope sorry.  :-(
> On 9/17/09, David Laakso <da...@chelseacreekstudio.com> wrote:
>> Patrick Evans wrote:
>>> I have been trying to get a div position above a header.  The table
>>> has a fixed layout so the column widths I hope are not changing and
>>> I'm using the following CSS to position the images:
>>>   .positionHeader
>>>   {
>>>      position: absolute;
>>>      right: 50px;
>>>      top: -10px;
>>>   }
>>> but one position will be off by like 1 px and the other perfectly
>>> aligned.  If I expand the window the will be switched.  The one not
>>> aligned will be aligned and other off.  So is there a way to do this?
>>> Thanks
>> Got a clickable link to the problem page?

Without a page demonstrating the problem, my best guess is that you're
running into rounding issues in whatever browser(s) you're testing in.
John Resig has a decent summary of what this entails:

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