I ended up applying a negative right margin - which I could swear I  
did before, but it didn't work - to the img.interject, and now it  
works. I'm tweaking it slightly, but looking at the captures in  
Browsercam, it's working in all the browsers I care about (which is  
quite a few).

Thank you, though!


On Sep 29, 2009, at 1:01 PM, Val Dobson wrote:

> OK - reposting:
> I've done something very similar recently.  It's not too difficult.
> Create a container div that holds both your text and the image. Then
> create a div to hold the image and give that a minus margin-right,
> with float:right and clear:left.  In the markup, put the image-div
> inside the container div.
> That should give you the effect that you want - you can see what I did
> here: www.oakleafcircle.org.uk/dmk

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