Hover in IE6 works only for <a> tags.
Maybe this will help: http://www.xs4all.nl/~peterned/csshover.html 

Debbie Campbell wrote:
> In this page:
>> http://www.redkitecreative.com/projects/joanking/index.html
> The image in the black box to the right is the background for an <a> 
> tag. I'd like to change the background image on hover but it isn't 
> working in IE6 - this is my code:
> #overlay-ind {
>       position: absolute;
>       top: 92px;
>       left: 676px;
>       height: 139px;
>       width: 201px;
> }
> a#overlay-ind-link {
>       width: 139px;
>       height: 201px;
>       background-image: url(../images/evoke-ind.jpg);
>       border: 1px solid #000;
> }
> a#overlay-ind-link:hover {
>       background-image: url(../images/evoke-ind-over.jpg);
>       width: 139px;
>       height: 201px;
> }
> Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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