On 19-Oct-2009, at 2:08 AM, David Laakso wrote:

> Rahul Gonsalves wrote:

>>   http://uncrpdindia.org/achievements/ratification/recommendations/
> It happens in both IE/6 and IE/7.
> This stopped it on a local file.
> Move the content division so the ul is not contained it. Like so:
> <li>Main Recommendations from the National Consultation for speedy  
> Ratification of UNCRPD</li></ul>     <div id="content"  
> class="clearfix">
> <div id="primary">
> I guess it is when the ul kisses the float that triggers the  
> problem. I hope this will work on your end.

Thanks David! This worked perfectly - as always!

  - Rahul.
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