On Nov 15, 2009, at 5:39 AM, Mary Villanueva wrote:

> I haven't been keeping up with CSS for quite some time so I'm not  
> sure if
> this has been addressed or not but here's my question. Chrome is  
> putting a
> space between my footer div and my content div which is nested  
> inside of a
> wrapper and I can't figure out why. It seems to be recognizing the
> min-height rule so I'm a bit lost on this. My design is simple ...  
> at least
> I think it is. I basically have a wrapper which contains two divs, one
> labeled for the left sidebar and one for the content on the right. The
> wrapper background color is the same as the left div so that I have  
> the
> appearance of equal sized columns. The only thing I did differently  
> on the
> page in question is that I set a class for the content div so that I  
> could
> customize a few minor things like lists. Thanks everyone for any  
> insight you
> might provide for fixing this so that it will work in the Chrome  
> browser. -
> Mary
> Here's the page in question:
> http://byronsbyte.com/ced/photoshop/psTips1/index.html

The problem is not limited to Chrome. It also affects Safari  
(logically, same rendering engine as Chrome), Opera and IE 8.

The issue is one of margin-collapsing.
You set a min-height on div#content. The 'gap' you see in the browsers  
listed above comes from the margin-bottom of the last element in  
div#content (an ul), that collapses through the bottom edge of the  
parent div.

margin-collapse is explained here:
see also this thread on the www-style mailing list:

In short, I think Gecko (all versions of Firefox) is wrong in this  
case - it used to be correct, but the wording of the spec changed.

A simple fix to your problem is applying a minimal amount of padding  
to the bottom of div#content (padding: 0 0 1px; will do). That will  
prevent the bottom margin of the ul to collapse through.

(I haven't checked, but IE 7 probably doesn't show the issue because  
'min-height' triggers 'hasLayout' which also inhibits margin-collapse  

Philippe Wittenbergh

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