I just had a huge "duh" moment.

I applied the margin/padding rules to the inner column divs, then removed
them from there and applied them to the outer div, thinking that all it was
going to do was expand the border, when I realized I hadn't set the
backgrounds of either of the outer column div containers!

So when I did this, it worked on both IE and FF.

Thanks for your help David! :D


On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:39 AM, David Hucklesby <huckle...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Eugene Hourany wrote:
> [...]
>> Here's the HTML code in question in quasi-pseudocode fashion:
>> <div class="home_bttm_section" id="section1"> <!-- top container --> <div
>> class="home_bttm_block" id="home_races"> <!-- container for 1st column -->
>> <div class="home_bt_hdr" id="home_races_hdr"> <!-- title
>> of 1st column --> </div> <div class="home_bt_sort"> <!-- select menu
>> --> </div> <!-- container of pull-down menu --> <div
>> class="home_bttm_list"> <!-- the content that's dynamically being resized
>> according to content --> <table> <!-- yeah there's a table in
>> here --> </div> <!--<div class="home_bttm_table_ft"></div>--> <!--
>> footer, commented out for now --> </div> <!-- close the 1st column
>> --> <div class="home_bttm_block" id="home_races"> <!-- container for
>> 2nd column --> <div class="home_bt_hdr" id="home_races_hdr"><!--
>> title of 2nd column --> </div> <div class="home_bt_sort"> <!-- select
>> menu --> </div> <!-- container of pull-down menu --> <div
>> class="home_bttm_list"> <!-- the content that's dynamically being resized
>> according to content --> <table> <!-- yeah there's another
>> table in here --> </div> <!--<div
>> class="home_bttm_table_ft"></div>--> <!-- footer, commented out for
>> now --> </div><!-- close 2nd column --> </div> <!-- close container>
>> TIA!
>> Eugene
>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 4:59 PM, David Hucklesby
>> <huckle...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>  Eugene Hourany wrote:
>>>  Hi gang,
>>>> I'm having some difficulty making the same div height trick work
>>>> in IE 7. Of course, it works just fine in Firefox 3.5. I need it
>>>> to also work in IE 6 and 8.
>>>> Here's a link that discusses how to do it:
>>>> http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/61(I'm<http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/61%28I%27m>
>>>> <http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/61%28I%27m>not
>>>> using "faux columns" as there are dynamic background images).
>>>> I apply the overflow: hidden attribute to the parent container,
>>>> but it's not working. The shorter column doesn't reach down to
>>>> match the height of the longer one, as expected.
>>>> The problem I think is that the columns are containers themselves
>>>> of content. I'm applying the margin/padding-bottom trick on the
>>>> innermost content of the columns, as applying them to the column containers
>>>> seems to do no good.
>>>>  Still not sure I understand your problem, since you don't show the
>>> relevant HTML... Any road, you may like to try out these
>>> alternatives:
>>> Companion Columns - http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/companions.html
>>> Equal Height Columns with... No Hacks
>>> http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/equal-height-columns-cross-browser-css-no-hacks
>>>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I'm still not sure how you are positioning those columns, but if they
> are independent of each other - floated left and right, say - then
> adding padding to the bottom of the inner DIV is not going to help, as
> the negative margin will not "pull up" the bottom of the outer DIV.
> Margins don't transfer themselves to the container!
> Doubtless you have already found that out. Still, I would have thought
> that applying the padding-/margin-bottom to the outer container of each
> column would work - unless it's because they both have the same ID
> applied, which could upset your CSS...
> I also don't understand why the alternative solutions won't work for
> you. There is clearly something about your design I don't understand.
> Providing a link to your problem page might give us something to work on...
> Cordially,
> David
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