I was wondering if anyone else has come across Safari reading the [if IE]
comments. I am viewing a site I am building on Safari 4.0.4 and was
inspecting the pages h1 tag when I saw that it was referencing my

The site can be viewed at"

If you inspect the div#content h1 "Focusing on treating trauma and its
effects on you and your family" you can see that it is picking up the
letter-spacing defined in my iemaster.css.
I am calling the this css in the following way:
<!-- [if IE] --><link href="css/iemaster.css" type="text/css"
rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection" /><!-- [endif] -->

I am not sure if it is in the way I declared the iemaster.css or if
something else may be going on. Was wondering if anyone had some insight on

Thanks Kevin
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