On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Bill Braun <bbr...@hlthsys.com> wrote:
> Tom Livingston wrote:
>> List,
>> What is the reasons for using:
>> background: #fff;
>> instead of:
>> background-color: #fff;
>> I've seen this lately, and wonder why the preference for the first
>> one. I've only used 'background' as shorthand for something like:
>> background: #fff url(images/image.png) left top no-repeat;
>> Which is better or more correct?
> Background is for HTML markup and is reserved for images,
> background-color is for CSS.

So in an article I was reading, this code example was shown when
discussing a stylesheet:

body {

By your assessment, this is wrong. I find it hard to believe the
author would not use correct syntax as he is fairly well known in the
front-end/CSS world. Alas, he is human, but you know what I mean...


Tom Livingston | Senior Interactive Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com
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