At 5:17 PM +0100 4/21/10, Lesley Binks wrote:

>Isn't this a  bit of a red herring, Eric?

    I have not attempted to obscure a scent trail with the use of 
excessively pungent salted and smoked fish, no.
    As there have been rising indications-- not just in my inbox, but 
among Gmail users overall-- that there is a particular problem here 
beyond forging headers.  (I had another one come in just a few 
minutes ago.)
    Given how many list members are potentially affected, I thought it 
a good idea to use the list to let people know.  This was one of 
those times I wished I could set up a "send to segment" messages as I 
would have ideally only mailed the Gmail and googlemail accounts. 
    Anyway, I don't want this to become a great big thread of 
off-topicness, so if I erred in the posting, I apologize.

Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
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