JWN wrote:
> Morning all
> At www.oldcurmudgeon.net I'm having a small problem with an image ( the old 
> curmudgeon ) expanding into the main content at ctrl + 4 font sizing and 
> larger on a 1024 x 768 canvas.  Is there a CSS way to contain the image.  I 
> have set explicit width and height in html  and max width in the css, but 
> none of that seems to be the answer.
> Tested in IE 7 and 8, FF 3.6, Opera, Chrome, Safari Win on Win XP sp3 PC.
> Any suggested fixes greatly appreciated.
> Jim Nannery

There are several ways to do it. Simplest of them is to make the 
left-column a fixed width (wide enough to contain the fixed width/height 
image), and leave the right column to expand/contract in width depending 
on user screen resolution.
This layout will accomplish that:

More difficult methods might include keeping both columns a percent 
width with an overall min/max width; and, assigning max-width: 96% to 
the image, but not hard coding its width or height in the source file. 
Done correctly the image will reduce in size retaining its relative 
proportions in narrower windows such as 640 and 800 and the columns will 
not overlap each other.



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