Rick Gordon wrote:
> Thanks, David. That worked.
> I was able to whittle it down to:
>       *:first-child+html #content-wrapper,
>       *:first-child+html #main-wrapper
>       {z-index:10;}
> Even the following is not required:
>       *:first-child+html #content-wrapper #sidebar {
>       z-index:-1;
>       }
> ...and it actually works with just the main-wrapper reference, but the 
> dimensions change slightly, so other fixes would be required in its absence.
> So thanks again; you've been very helpful with the several issues I've 
> brought forth since joining the list.
> But could you please explain the logic by which this works, as opposed to 
> just a direct reference to #main-wrapper?
> Thanks,
> Rick Gordon

Others on this list are far better qualified to provide  a specific 
answer to your good question.

 From my simplistic holistic viewpoint,  I think of the z-index  as  a 
means to /pull/ or advance an element forward from the canvas [screen] 
in space/time (plus) and to /push/ or make another element recede back 
from the canvas in space/time (minus).

How one accomplishes that "stacking" can sometimes boggle the mind. 
These links are helpful in that regard:

Understanding z-iindex


CSS2.1  9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the 'z-index' property

Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts



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