On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 07:36:05 -0400, Tim Climis <tcli...@exchange.iu.edu>

>On Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:26:19 am Jeff Zeitlin wrote:
>> I'm reluctant to do major hacking on the HTML; I'd prefer to stick to
>> just using CSS to do this.  Am I asking for too much at this point?  If
>> not, how do I do it?

>That depends.  Are you willing to use CSS3 properties which are not supported 
>in all browsers yet?  If you are, then CSS can help you.

>Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/
>and usage: http://www.css3.info/preview/multi-column-layout/

>I haven't tried it in a print stylesheet, but I have used it on actual pages 
>and it works reasonably well.

I have no particular objection to using CSS3; the question then becomes
how well these particular properties are supported.  According to
http://caniuse.com ("When Can I Use..."), neither Presto nor Trident
support them at the present time, and it is unknown whether the next
version of either will support it.  With only Gecko and Webkit
supporting it, I suspect that the overall support level (in terms of
number of visitors) is going to be under - possibly well under - 50%,
which I would find ... unsatisfactory.

I'll experiment with this, though, and see how well it works in Gecko
and Webkit.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
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