Well the first thing that comes to mind is to add a larger margin-left to
#left_main.  But the calculation is not obvious as your container is 1024px,
and you have margins and padding of 1em.

Across the floating divs, you have 3x25%x1024px = 768px for the div content,
6x1em for the margins.  So you wan
#left_main { margin-left: 1024px - 768px - }

But how many px in an em?  This is dependent on you font-size and on the
device displaying the page.  I believe the answer is to eschew the use of px
as a measurement everywhere, but that is a bit rough when you have pictures
in the mix.


-----Original Message-----
From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org
[mailto:css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of martin
Sent: June-22-10 5:06 PM
To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: [css-d] centering 3 float: left boxes

Hi all

I'm trying to center 3 float:left boxes in the middle of the main container.
So far I've got:

,----[ html markup ]
| <body>
| <div id="container" class="curved">
| <h1>Everyday Expressions</h1>
| <div id="left_main" class="curved">
|   <p>This is the left one</p>
| </div>
| <div id="centre_main" class="curved">
|     <p>This is the centre one</p>
| </div>
| <div id="right_main" class="curved">
|      <p>this is the right one</p>
| </div>
| <br class="cleared" />
| </div>
| </body>

,----[ css ]
| body {
|    margin: 0;
|    padding: 0;
|    text-align: center;
| }
| #container {
|    width: 1024px;
|    margin: 0 auto;
|    text-align: left;
|    background-color: cyan;
|    border-style: solid;
| }
| #left_main, #centre_main, #right_main {
|           float: left;  
|           width: 25%;
|           background-color: red;
|           margin: 1em;      
|           padding: 1em;
| }
| .curved {
|           border-radius: 8px; /* CSS3 compliant browsers */
|               -moz-border-radius: 8px; /* firefox */
|                   -webkit-border-radius: 8px; /* Google Chrome, Safari  */
|                       -khtml-border-radius: 8px; /* Linux Browsers */
|                           behavior: url("css/border-radius.htc"); /* IE
Browsers */
|                               background-image: url("1px.svg");  /* Opera
9.5+ */
| }
| .cleared {
|        clear: both;
| }

How would I have to change it so that those three boxes (left_main,
centre_main, right_main)
were positioned in the middle of the container. As you can see they
(understandably) are slightly
to the left.

Thank you.

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