MEM wrote:
> I have a layout structure problem in hands that I would love to deal
> with, by using CSS but I'm not sure, if it can be done using only css.
> And if it can, what will be a nice way for doing so.
> On the left side, we will have a menu.
> On the right side, we will have a 100% height div.
> If the content on that right side div is higher then the viewport
> height, then we will(must) have a scroll.
> But, this scroll should affect only that right side div.
> Márcio

Position: fixed [1] is what you want. Since you do not need to hit IE/6 
the file does not need to be in quirksmode, and no scripting ["IE 
expressions"] needed. These are various examples by Anne van Kesteren 
[2]. This example by George Sortun is a 3col layout based on Anne van 
Kesteren [3]. This a 2 col example that I did based on a stripped 
version of Georg's layout [4].

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>
[4] <>



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