Hello, I just noticed a z-index problem (which you can see on my test site 
here: http://checkoutacollege.com:8080/ ).  The issue is that when the user 
clicks on one of the "Read animation" links in the "character boxes", the 
resulting div#overlaycontainer is hiding under the top nav bar.  I believe 
there are three elements at play here.  They are as follow with the z-index I 
have assigned to them:
div#navcontainer (z-index:2000;) (when in use, the top nav's drop down submenus 
must  lay over the character boxes).
div#characterboxcontainer (z-index: 1000;)
div#overlaycontainer (z-index:3000!important;) (Should lay over everything)

I even tried putting the z-index inline in div#overlaycontainer, but no luck.

I am seeing this issue in IE, FF and Opera (all I tested on).

Any advice gratefully appreciated.

Angela French
Internet Specialist
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

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