What are the rules regarding posting a link to a client's website on 
this forum? I would like to post it, but I am unsure about that.

This is the code for the top icon "logo" element on the top left page 
and the title on the top right page. This is happening on every page. 
(It is also happening to images used in a lightbox2 javascript in some 
pages but fixing this problem with the icon would help immensely)

<div id="topcontainer"><a href="index.php"><img src="img/Logo.png" 
alt="Company Name" width="205" height="51" border="0" 
style="margin-left: -8px;" title="Company Name"/></a>

These styles apply to this:
body {
        margin: 0px;
        text-align: center;
        background-image:               url(../img/bodybg.jpg);
        background-color:       #C8C8A2;
        background-repeat:      repeat-x;
        font-family:            Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;
        font-size:                      14px;
        line-height:            20px;

#topcontainer {
        width: 968px;
        text-align: left;
        margin: 0px auto;
        border: 0px;

a                       { color: #396552; text-decoration: none;}
a:visited       { color: #396552; text-decoration: none;}
a:hover         {
        color: #FFF;
        background-color: #3D6554;

I wish I understood this better but I have reached a point where I am 
tripping over the CSS and drawing a blank. I can usually figure things 
out with brute force and experimenting. The more I experiment with this 
the less I understand. I even tried to just remove the background color 
from the a:hover. But then on other pages (where this also applies) the 
email links text color turned to white when hovered and the text just 
disappeared into the white background! So this bg color on the a:hover 
has to stay.

When you ask if there is padding, margin, line-height etc. set to the 
the <a> or <img> does  border="0" style="margin-left: -8px;" indicate 
this? What would I alter in this?

> if the anchor element containing the image would be exactly as big as
> the image, and the image's position would not be offset in any way, then
> there shouldn't be any green backfround color visible.
> Is there a padding set to <a> elements, or a margin to <img> elements,
> or line-height or anything else?
> Is there a link to the website to take a closer look at the problem?
> Best regards,
> Christian
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