Michael Beaudoin wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2010, at 7:34 PM, David Laakso wrote:
>> Michael Beaudoin wrote:
>>> I can't get the submenus to line up under the nav menu item.  Right 
>>> now they are down and to the right.
>>> http://www.ba-doyn.com/junk/ for your perusal.
>>> Michael
>> No guarantee. Try:
>> Replace this declaration:
>> ul.dropdown ul li  {
>> color: #333;
>> border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
>> float: none;
>> background-color: #CCCCCC;
>> }
>> With this declaration:
>> ul.dropdown ul li                     {
>> color: #333;width: 160px;
>> border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
>> float: none;
>> background: lime;
>> top: 10px;
>> left: 0;
>> }
>>                                    And add the padding to this 
>> declaration:
>> ul.dropdown ul li a  {
>> padding: 5px 0 /*add*/;
>> border-right: none;
>> width: 100%;
>> display: inline-block;
>> }
> David,
> Thanks so much. Sorry for the delay, but I was unavailable over the 
> weekend.
> What you did was great. Now, if you don't mind, can you explain what I 
> just did so I can understand?
> Thanks,
> Michael


I don't know-- can't remember what I did 3 hours ago much less 3 days 
ago. I guess maybe top: 10px;
left: 0;  needed to be put on the relevant selector: ul.dropdown ul li. 
If you comment-out the padding on ul.dropdown ul li a  you'll see why it 
is needed.



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