Hi ... I'm working on a new portfolio site for myself and I've stumbled
across something I just can't seem to figure out, namely, why the Main div
on the page is shifting left by 8 pixels on 2 of my pages.
This is the site:  http://www.wilyguy.net/portfolio/index.html
CSS is found here: http://www.wilyguy.net/portfolio/portfolio.css

These are the offending pages:

   1. http://www.wilyguy.net/portfolio/html.html
   2. http://www.wilyguy.net/portfolio/images/grfx.php

Offending page #1: Inside the content div there is an <ul>, two of the list
items have tables which contain graphics. The graphics have a CSS-based
hover graphic ("thumbnail" classes in the CSS). The second of the tables has
two rows. If I remove one of the two rows the page reverts to the correct
position, i.e., it is not shifted. I have no idea how deleting a row from a
table can be effecting this behavior.

Offending page #2: Inside the content div there are four almost identical
PHP scripts. Each script looks at a pre-defined folder and dumps out
a hover-based image link ("thumbnail" classes in the CSS) to a graphic. If I
remove any 3 of the scripts the page reverts to the correct position, i.e.,
it is not shifted.

So ... the main div is being moved if some content is going beyond some
boundary, as both cases have solutions by minimizing the content. This,
again, makes no sense.

Can any of you gurus out there shed some light on this, or provide some
insight on where to start looking? I would think something in the
"thumbnail" CSS but ... it is all pretty straight-forward.


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