> Is there a CSS method to hide the current page link in a navigation
 > list?  ie: if you're on the "widgets" page, you don't get the "See our
 > crazy widgets!" link in the menu.
 > I'm responsible for looking after a static HTML  site that has  had
 > more and more pages added to it over the years, and changing the
 > navigation on each page is becoming a chore.
 > I know how to do includes, I'd just like to hide the current page link..

hi Val,

Try this bit of style, which I cribbed off

it needs to go in the head of the page you are on, and use that page 
name for yourcurrentpage.html

<style type="text/css">
#links a[href~="yourcurrentpage.html"] {
position : absolute;
top : -1000px;

good luck!

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