Chetan, Philippe:

Assigned float properties are computed, they just don't take effect.

Barney Carroll
07594 506 381

On 16 December 2010 10:12, Alan Gresley <> wrote:

> On 16/12/2010 6:28 PM, Chetan Crasta wrote:
>> @Thierry: Happy to help.
>>  the element is taken out of flow, thus float is rendered impotent
>> @Barney: It doesn't necessarily follow that because the element is out
>> of the flow, float cannot work. If the spec hadn't disallowed it, it
>> would be conceivable for position:absolute and float to be used
>> together to get the combined effect of 5) and 6), that is: a
>> stretched, right or left aligned element, with text or inline elements
>> flowing around it.
>> (corrected)
>> ~Chetan
> Hello Chetan,
> It not that the spec disallowed it, but rather float is one of the three
> positioning schemes [1]. They being:
> 1. Normal flow.
> 2. Floats - laid out according to the normal flow, then taken out of the
> flow.
> 3. AP. - removed from the normal flow entirely (it has no impact on later
> siblings).
> In 9.3.1 Choosing a positioning scheme: 'position' property [2] we see this
> for position absolute:
>  # Absolutely positioned boxes are taken out of the normal flow. This means
>  # they have no impact on the layout of later siblings. Also, though
> absolutely
>  # positioned boxes have margins, they do not collapse with any other
> margins.
> 1. <>
> 2. <>
> --
> Alan
> Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo
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