At 11:10 17 12 10, Rory Bernstein wrote:
Thank you Reese. This is great, I didn't know you could do it this way. Someone else sent in another solution too. I so appreciate your response.

It's the same solution, just implemented in a different way.

Still, you are welcome. I saw the other response after I posted.
While I think that the other response is worthy because it
addressed indenting the whole and then outdenting the first line
of each list item, I also think that the other method broaches a
large gray area in that it uses EMs instead of pixels for the unit
of measurement FOR POSITIONING.

The jury is in for the most part, on whether to use em or px on
font sizing, but I think there is a large gray area WRT positioning
of text within the whitespace. You will need to use your best
judgement as it applies to the design you are currently working,
for font sizes, how to size, padding and margining issues. Whether
to first margin/pad text to the right before applying a negative
indent to the first line of your list items.

Also, I'm posting this back to the list since I think others may
be able to learn or wish to comment. Including me. :-)


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