On Monday, December 27, 2010 10:40:12 am Germán Martínez wrote:
> Hi David,
> Yes, it is possible to style a <textarea> using CSS.
> Just add a width, if you want the textarea to fit the width of its
> contatiner use width: 100%; (I'd recommend defining a height too).
> Try this code:
> .mailform     {
> margin: 0 10px;
> border: 1px solid black;
> width: 100%;
> height: 400px;
> }
> Let me know if it worked.

This does work for the container, but doesn't really do much for the form. I 
ended up using a combination of your suggestion and David Laakso.

I was trying to get the actual form to auto fit the width of the div. I didn't 
know I could use textarea, input etc, etc as css selectors I thought I needed 
to wrap this type of stuff in a <div>. I've learned something today :-)

David M.
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