On 29/12/2010 2:26 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

On Dec 29, 2010, at 10:34 AM, G.Sørtun wrote:

Anyone with a cleaner suggestion ?  Bonus cookie for the most
minimal code possible.

Cleaner, no, but "the usual nonsense" will probably work...

Using media queries to hack is getting beyond the impossible.


Thanks Georg. I had forgotten about that @media syntax / query that
Opera appears to parse by the magic of Nordic Elfes.

updated test case: http://dev.l-c-n.com/_temp/res-5b-svg.html

This should work as expected everywhere, I think (works OK in Gecko
1.9.0-1.9.2, Gecko 2, WebKit, Mobile WebKit, Opera 10.6+, Opera

Can someone check with IE 9 ? Thanks. I think my background-shorthand
is correct. And I think it should be able to handle my .svg images

Working correctly in IE9. Just thinking though, what happens when Gecko supports the slash "/" syntax? You could perhaps add another dangerous hack. Both lines have a red background in IE9 and IE8 which is correct.


While testing to see what was bugging out Gecko, I noted that Safari 5 would allow the svg to be inserted in via content {..}

BTW - Opera 11 does weird things with that CSS3 background shorthand.
It doesn't understand it as a whole, but apparently it parses enough
of it to reset my background-origin declaration… That feels pretty

What part does Opera 11 attempt to parse?

Alan http://css-class.com/

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