-----Original Message-----
From: css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org
[mailto:css-d-boun...@lists.css-discuss.org] On Behalf Of Chetan Crasta
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 8:26 PM
To: Matthew P. Johnson
Cc: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
Subject: Re: [css-d] image layout question

> 2. how to align images from right to left instead of the default left to
>when photos are added to the beginning
> of the list the older photos move into position after new photo.

I have a solution that *might* be of help:

However, there are some limitations:
  The top-margin of the t1#div has to be manually specified to be equal to
the total height of all the rows.
  The number of selectors on line 29 to 35 have to be equal to the expected
number of rows. For example, if the maximum number of rows is 5, then there
should be 5 selectors.
 Does not work in IE6.

Perhaps someone can improve this design?


Hi Chetan,

I had another quick look and this would absolutely work for the vertical
layout but having to add a line for each row may become arduous over time if
a lot of images are displayed. 

Good work and thank you. Matthew 

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