> Sure, keep in mind this is not a production level site as of now, so I
> ask that anyone please be respectful in not sharing/using it beyond
> debugging/inspecting the HTML/CSS.
> https://www.moremagicpoints.com/

The page has a lot of errors like incorrect nesting of elements,
nonstandard attributes etc. Always validate your html at
validator.w3.org and your css at jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator .
Also, keep in mind that a webpage is not only read by humans, but also
by computers (search engine bots). A page that might look OK to a
human might look horrible to a bot. This is why your HTML needs to be
semantic if you value a good rank in search engines.

Here is an example of how the page might be correctly coded:

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List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html
Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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