On 01/01/11 15:30, Chetan Crasta wrote:
ul#topnavlist li a {position:relative}

That is the hack that will fix the problem.

BTW, your page is not valid. The Crime, Cats etc sub-menu should be
within an<li>.


Aargh! That'll teach me one of two things. Either to stop fiddling when other people are going to check the code or, if I have to fiddle, to at least revalidate the page before putting it up. My apologies for that.

As for the hack: works like a dream. Another one for the little black book of handy IE hacks. Many thanks.

Now I just have to sort out why IE7 and only IE7 seems to be having a problem with the placeholder image. It's never straightforward, is it.

Many thanks, Chetan.


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