On Thursday, January 06, 2011 09:21:22 am David Laakso wrote:
> Re: <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/indexx.php> [intentional spelling]
> Please drag to an approximately 400px window.
> FF/3.6.13 and SeaMonkey render sans, rather than the intended
> slab-serif,  for the heading "About" on the index and for the heading
> "Portfolio" on the portfolio page.
> Safari, WebKit, Opera, and Chrome correctly render the slab-serif.
> What to do?

Now that is weird. When I drag ff 3.6.13 and Chrome down, css borders 
automagically appear.

SS: http://www.dmcentral.net/chelsea/

Is this what you are referring to?

David M.
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