
This thread needs to end now. If the various parties wish to take their disagreements to private e-mail, that's obviously fine, but the several thousand members of the list don't need to be subjected to an argument in which they have no part. I will reiterate the passage Chetan quoted from the list policies, as well as the text that follows it, because it is always relevant:

   "Above all, if you can't answer with a modicum of respect,
    or without feeling somehow annoyed by the question, then
    DO NOT ANSWER AT ALL.  I'm dead serious about this.  You
    may have seen and responded to a question six thousand times,
    but the person asking has only heard it once: when they asked
    it.  They're asking it in order to fill a gap in their own
    knowledge.  Make your answer an encouragement for more
    questions, not an incentive to unsubscribe."

Thank you.

Eric A. Meyer (, List Chaperone
"CSS is much too interesting and elegant to be not taken seriously."
  -- Martina Kosloff (
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