On 2/5/11 3:27 PM, Michael Beaudoin wrote:
>I have a weird one for you all...
>I have done a site where it is fine. The client added a new page and 
>had to redo the menu at the top. It's done as a table in a div (yeah, 
>had to do it quickly and was a bit rusty. will be correcting it when I 
>get a bit more time to tutz with it).
>The live site is fine (sample page: http://www.tjs.org/giving.html)
>If you go to the development version 
>(http://www.tjs.org/testarea/giving.html) you will see a horizontal 
>bar at the bottom of the "frame", and in IE it shows a vertical bar 
>too. Can't understand what I messed up.
>Thanks for the look-see and the help.
>On 2/5/11 3:53 PM, David Laasko wrote:
>Dunno. But try this, nevertheless:
>#container {
> /*overflow: auto;<--delete*/
> overflow: hidden;/*<--add*/
>Did not check [whatever version[s] you are talking about]  IE .

>Thanks for the help. Not sure why it was fine at first and then started to 
>the scroll bars.

One more simple thing that makes me look like a knucklehead.

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