On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> Charles Miller wrote:
>> But the letterfit (there's that word again) of body text in the WordPress 
>> site I inherited and am reworking, is with no letter-spacing simply too 
>> tight. (I doubt that the font designer wanted it to look that way.)
> Could we see this site, so we can judge for ourselves ?
> Philip Taylor

Oh boy. Here comes the red herring. I will give the URL. But know that I 
nominate the site for nothing. It is my VERY FIRST WordPress page, and is 
really a transitional step before the whole site is reworked, probably using 
the Headway theme. So "perfect" is not my word. I gave attention to the 
message, tried to use effective illustrations (if not over-use them). I 
consider the page a little pushy but more engaging than the "book" paragraphs 
that were the previous format. 

This is NOT the list to show an over-designed site. Purists here do abide. I 
offer it with the ernest assumption that more than one of you will comment with 
the same plain language I used in this thread. (That way I learn.) Ta Da!


Let the music begin...

Chuck M

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