On Apr 27, 2011, at 7:52 PM, Jarek Foksa wrote:

> <div id="box"></div>
> #box {
>  resize: both;
>  overflow: auto;
>  background: #ccc;
>  width: 500px;
>  height: 500px;
>  min-width: 100px;
>  min-height: 100px;
> }
> It turns out that specified min-height and min-width values are
> completely ignored and instead min-width is assumed to be the same as
> width and min-height is assumed to be the same as height.
> Obviously this makes no sense.

Does it not ? Per the spec, width/height overrides min-width/min-height unless 
the latter is larger.
But then you specify the resize property. I'm not sure what should happen in 
this case. Gecko 2.0+ allow resizing downwards, until the minimum size is 
reached. Webkit doesn't allow resizing.
If you replace width/height with max-width/max-height, then WebKit allows 
vertical resizing until the max-height is reached.

> Do you know any simple workaround that
> would allow me to specify minimal width and height of resizable
> element?

What is your actual use case ? And what is the content of your your element ?
Floating the element will give slightly different results than the above. 

Philippe Wittenbergh

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