Michael Beaudoin wrote:

Ok. I have a layout I'm working on and I can't get the middle 4
columns to line up side-to-side. I've floated them left but they don't
seem to take on the layout I want. Do I need to put them in a div?

Check it here.


The relevant id="..." attribute values begin with a digit (4), which is prohibited in XHTML and, more importantly, in CSS, so browsers ignore an essential part of the stylesheet. If you change the attribute values so that they begin with a letter, and of course modify the id selectors in CSS accordingly, you get a 4-column presentation.

(It's useful to check the markup and the CSS code using W3C Markup Validator and W3C CSS Validator. Both signal the id values beginning with a digit as errors.)

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
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