> http://mobile.peacecereal.com/about.php
> 1. why can I not get the three content elements to be right against each
> other?
> I have a container element and 3 div elements within it: header, content,
> footer.
> There is a background image for the content so it is important that header
> and footer but up right on it.

In order to remove the gap between the header and the content blocks, here's
a thought:

Images that aren't block-level elements will have space around them based on
the line-height of the text around it (even if there is no text around it).
Just think about how there's vertical space between each line of text
(line-height *cough*), the same principal applies to inline images as well.

The gap between the footer and content blocks is caused by the margin-bottom
on the <p> tag in .content. If you think a little bit I'm sure you can solve
this on your own knowing what the underlying issue is.

In the future to discover these issues, the Chrome developer console works
nicely. Another very similar tool is Firebug. There's an extension for
Firefox the adds an icon to your status bar to enable it, or there's a
bookmarklet for any other browser you may be using. To find their site, some
googling should suffice.

Alex Mitchell

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