On 05/06/11 22:00, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
5.6.2011 23:33, Martin wrote:

> I know it's not strictly css,

The question, as asked, is not about CSS at all in any meaning, so it's off-topic.

The construct that causes the validation problem has a considerable CSS impact, though:

> <a href="training.php">
> <h6>Training</h6>
> <p>blah blah blah.</p>
> </a>

Although the construct is allowed in HTML5 and widely supported by browsers, it has its share of problems in rendering. How do you make it _look_ like a link, and make it look like _one_ link? If we can't handle that, users may not notice that there is a link, or they may think there are several links present and they try each of them and get disappointed or confused. Moreover, browsers don't render such a link as a block element by default, so e.g. a border set for it may look all too "interesting".

My current idea of handling this is
a) suppress underlining (as it would visually suggest the presence of _several_ links) b) draw a colored border, letting browsers use the link colors fot it (as per some overall link color settings or browser defaults).

This requires a class attribute, say class="block", for such "block links", and something like

.block * { text-decoration: none; }
.block { display: block; display: table-cell; border: solid thin; padding: 0.2em 0.3em; }

Any better ideas?

(Some vertical margins inside the element might need tuning too. You probably don't what the default top margin for the heading element or the default bottom margin for <p>.)

Thank you for your reply. I had removed any decorations from it so it didn't look like multiple links.
I'll try your solution.
Thanks again.

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