Hiya Gergely,

Webkit Mobile traditionally makes use of .svg format fonts (although modern
devices will accept .woff & .ttf, and there was a brief period when none at
all were supported).

Your best bet is to take your OTF font and put it through Fontsquirrel's
@font-face generator, which will convert your fonts into all the necessary
formats and provide the CSS for them.

Androids ship with the excellent Droid font family, and doesn't have the
traditional web stack (ie Arial, Verdana, etc). Modern mobile devices tend
to do better with fonts because of their higher resolution, which allows the
presentation of details without falling into awkward pixelated rendering, as
many otherwise acceptable web fonts do on 96/120ppi monitors.

Barney Carroll

07594 506 381

On 20 June 2011 13:12, Jukka K. Korpela <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:

> 2011-06-20 13:47, Gergely Buday wrote:
>  I would like to supply fonts to my web page so that any browser could
>> use my special fonts.
> I don't think that's off-topic at all - it's about practical use of CSS,
> isn't it?
> > For this I should supply my font in different
>> font formats as not every browser supports otf:
> Indeed.
>  This page tells us about the major desktop browsers but what is the
>> case for the smartphone browsers?
> My limited experience about an Android phone is that it doesn't apply even
> normal font-family declarations but instead uses its own fonts. I'm very
> happy with that. On a closer look, it seems that it ignores most font family
> settings, using its own sans-serif font that works pretty well on a small
> screen, but recognizes Courier New, Times New Roman, Bookman Old Style, and
> Georgia.
> I think even that is overboard, though I understand the potential relevance
> of monospace fonts. Anyway, the main point is that people using pocket-size
> devices will be far more interested in the content than in the fonts and
> will generally see the text in one font, selected by the browser for the
> device. Any success in changing that is probably a Pyrrhian victory.
> --
> Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~**jkorpela/ <http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/>
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