
I am working on a website, and while this works on some browsers, IE7 doesn't 
quite work.

The website is:

and the stylesheet being used is 

In Firefox and safari, it works well, but in IE7, the wrapper is being 
overlapped over the header.

It has been a long while since I last developed a website, so my memory is 
foggy. I think it has to do with margins and floats, but I'm hoping someone 
here would be able to help pinpoint the issue and give suggestions on how to 
fix it.

the CSS and the HTML has been validated.

Laurie Landry

Cartier & Bailey Creative Studio
Box 105
Wells, BC V0K 2R0

Laurie Landry

Cartier & Bailey Creative Studio
Box 105
Wells, BC V0K 2R0

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