On 8/13/11 2:09 PM, Gabriele Romanato wrote:

I've just remade the default layout of my blog at http://onwebdev.blogspot.com/. Comments are welcome. I'm not interested in tech comments, such as IE testing or browser compatibility, but only in your impressions.

thanks :-

Me myself  I like it much better than its pedecessor.
Why would you feed Macs, Arial? And why would you feed PC owners with Helvetica installed, Arial?
Try 400 'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif...
The big red thingy nailed to the left rail is a little overwhelming.
Check the horizontal navbar at 800 and the social media [or whatever they are called] icons.
Check your page with "heavy-hand" font-scaling in FF in all size windows.

Dr Lakra
Oaxaca, Mexico


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