hello all,

i am currently working on a redesign of an architectural studio's page. the original/current version can be found at www.adif.sk <http://www.adif.sk> . the mockup of the new design is here http://www.flickr.com/photos/king-muffin/6069114194/in/photostream

and finally, the new design *in progress* is at http://adif.sk/testversion/index.html with the CSS located at http://adif.sk/testversion/index_style.css (the backgrounds are colored only for my orientation, i find it easier to work with :))

the problem i am having is that i am unable to stretch the black bar (div id="navigation") from the very top to the very bottom of the page's content. although <body> stretches according to all of its conaining divs (demonstrated by the light pink), i don't understand why does height:100%; in the navigation div take only the 100% of the viewport size.

also, i would like the #left and #right divs' bottom edges to be always at the same level, whether there is more content in the #left or the #right div.

thank you for any answers, tips, critiques, comments etc.,

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