This is a CSS discussion list.  So programming issues are not on topic
But if I keep my dynamic CSS question abstract enough I don't see why it
isn't a CSS issue as much as anything else.

Let's say my content management system is currently using a three column
layout, where a left side column of links is usually defined as 16% of
available width.
However,  if it turns out the current page has a larger than normal number
of navigation links,  I could (somehow) set the navigation column width to
25% so it could contain two vertical rows of clickable links, rather than
one vertical column.

What is the best way to do this?

My CMS codes could calculate the number of needed links before generating
any output, and then choose from any one of several hard-coded CSS files
depending on the total link count.  Or I could manipulate the browser's CSS
on the fly with Javascript and the DOM tree (which used to be a
browser-sniffing nightmare, the last time I tried it).  Are there any
alternate strategies I'm not aware of.....simply because I'm an amateur
hacker and not a well-educated professional?

/*  Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh  >--oO0>
    Have code will travel                  */
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