On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:24 PM, David Laakso
<da...@chelseacreekstudio.com> wrote:
> We're off-topic with this on a list devoted to the practical application of
> CSS...
> But anyway, see some of the links in the "CSS" and "Mobile Devices" section
> of this page:
> <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/site/resources/index.php>
> viewport meta tags
> <http://davidbcalhoun.com/2010/viewport-metatag>
> Bruce Lawson:mobile-web-optimization
> <http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/the-mobile-web-optimization-guide/>
> Google subject line: detecting ipad, iphone, and other smart
> ~d

Thanks for the many references. I have started to go through them. And
to my delight several are the very articles I was hoping to find

However, I don't quite understand the idea that this is off-topic.

My immediate application for hacking the css to somehow recognize the
device is so that I can modify a fixed height div.
In desktop systems (mouse-ish) the fixed height div with vertical
scroll works fine for my needs.
But in ipad, etc. the div has no scroll bar and appears to require the
not well known two finger swipe to scroll within the div.

My dream was to find a hack that would let me modify the css for this
div so that height restrictions and scroll could be removed for those
devices. And if at all possible, I was hoping it could be fully css
without recourse to javascript or the ilk.

Hopefully modifying my css to accommodate different devices is not off-topic.

But then again, I could easily have misunderstood your comment.

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