Tom Livingston wrote:
I think the key there is "Right-click the message"

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Lesley Lutomski
<> wrote:
On 18/10/11 15:03, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Felix Miata wrote:

 > Linux distros are free to package extensions or not as they see fit.
Apparently David's doesn't and yours does, or David's using neither
Linux nor an extension that provides it.

Is there any evidence to suggest that "Reply to list"
functionality is offered only via an extension and
not via the core code ?

Philip Taylor
I believe David is using Linux, as he has previously mentioned that fact.
 This is from the Mozilla support site:

Replying to a message

To reply to a message, click the Reply or Reply All button when the message
is displayed. Alternatively, right-click the message in the Message List and
select Reply to Sender Only (Ctrl / Command + R), Reply to All (Ctrl /
Command + Shift + R) or Reply to List (Ctrl / Command + Shift + L).

So "Reply to List" functionality would seem to be native to Thunderbird, not
provided by an extension, and I remain surprised by the fact that my version
displays a button for it while David's does not.

Right-clicking messages in Thunderbird here gives me only Reply or Reply All - no Reply List.

Guess I'm just using a version older than yours.

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