11/10/2011 8:35 PM, Angela French wrote:

p a.downloadhelp


By the specs, and by browser practice, vertical margin properties "do not apply" (i.e., are syntactically allowed but have no effect) to "non-replaced inline elements" (i.e., anything text-level, such as <a>, excluding e.g. images, which are "replaced" elements).

The most natural approach, in a case where the link is the sole contents of a <p> element, is to set a suitably large bottom margin on the <p> element. It will get combined with the top margin of the next element, which means that the larger of these will be used as the distance, but this is normally good - just set a bottom margin on the <p> so that it specifies the desired distance from the following <h2> (in this case).

Alternatively, you could set display: block on the <p> element, and then it's no longer inline, and vertical margins apply.

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