Hello there,

I have a feasibility question to those on the list familiar with HTML5 and
CSS3 (which I began familiarizing myself with this Sunday).

Lately I had the unpleasant occasion of using Bayex for expert system
creation. As you may know, expert systems rely on knowledge base, which is
filled with domain facts. The module that is responsible for base creation
in Bayex sucks unspeakably and caused me enough frustration to want to
replace it.

Since I would imagine more than one expert would be entering facts into
knowledge base, and since it's convenient to enable them to do so no matter
where they are located, as long as they have internet connection, I thought
of a web page.

*Now, the question that popped to my mind is: will I require JS or will CSS
and HTML5 do just fine?
Naturally, *with* JS I will be able to do it (jQuery, perhaps with UI).
However since HTML5 and CSS3 look truly slick, this would be also a prudent
occasion to learn them somewhat.

What do you reckon?

*More details:
Among the facts that are entered into knowledge base, one type is most
tedious to input. The module should help you creating a set of questions,
that user answers to get an expertise. Due to probability rules and
Bayesian laws, there are some constraints main one being only five answers
to each question: YES, RATHER YES, DON'T KNOW, RATHER NO, NO.

Trivial example how it looks now:
Expert system helping me choose what laptop to buy, wishes to know if I'm
particular about laptops brands:

1) do you want to buy laptops of ASUS brand?
2) do you want to buy laptops of Lenovo brand?

etc. for each brand.

Instead, I want the user to simply select what brands (and whatnot) to
include, with clicking. Based on selection, this would later be converted
into answers "per brand", so that probability rules engine wouldn't have to
be reworked.

There are more cases, but usually it's about "question editor"
functionalities. I considered using one of the already existing JS survey
kits, but wanted to know if this is feasible WITHOUT JS - since if it is,
it would be a good hands-on experience to learn both HTML5 and CSS3.

Let me know your thoughts, even if they will end with "wrong place to ask,
go somewhere else".

Tomasz Borek
css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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