On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Debbie Campbell

> In this WordPress site, only in IE7, the footer (outlined in red) isn't
> clearing the main container:
> http://www.**mountainsagecommunityschool.**org/resources/research/<http://www.mountainsagecommunityschool.org/resources/research/>
> Can someone please help?
> --
> Debbie Campbell
> www.redkitecreative.com
> ______________________________**______________________________**__________

That page is suffering from acute divitis with a secondary infection of
positionitis :)
I was able to fix the IE7 footer issue by removing some of the unnecessary
relative positioning.


 The CSS and HTML of the page is so convoluted, I think it'd be best to
start over, from scratch.

Chetan Crasta
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